The 2012 elections were supposed to create the political space Republicans needed to make their agenda more welcoming to growing Democratic constituencies,but instead it pushed conservatives into a deeper defensive crouch, from which they intimidated GOP leaders into squandering just about every opportunity they’ve had to broaden the party’s appeal.In some cases, GOP leaders themselves have been reluctant to support the kinds of social and economic policies that might staunch the demographic bleeding that threatens to cost them the White House for another four or eight years.If you’re a regular reader, this is old news. It’s been a recurring theme here. The general shape of things in 2013 was that House Speaker John Boehner and the House Republican leadership just ignored legislation they had no interest in passing (the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, for instance), but attempted to legislate when they either sympathized with the cause (immigration reform) or were compelled by deadline to act (the debt limit).In either case, rank and file conservatives threatened full-scale rebellion, which led to a three-week government shutdown and rendered immigration reform comatose.
it's amazing how these presumably educated White guys have let bigotry and racism to lead them around by their noses, as deceptive as they are you would think they could fake it long enough to be considered not the hateful people they are.
like i said they pay for instructions on how to be human that should have lit up the ballot box like a Christmas tree on the 4th of July.
but their arrogance would not allow them to entertain the notion that they do come off as reprehensible and despicable who would lead but they only appeal to less than half the country those they say they want to win over, 10 minutes after saying it 2 or 3 whacka moles pop up with the "dumbest thing sad by GOP this week competition"
By the end of the year, Boehner said he’d had enough with the right’s reactionary BS, which some people viewed as a harbinger of a long-awaited moderation (I dissented). But then he and other GOP leaders made it clear they aren’t terribly excited about extending emergency unemployment benefits. And on Thursday they hinted that they won’t be rising to the next occasion either.
your tax dollars that don't work for you, the inference is felt even when reading a third person account of that give a damn crack that has left a million plus Americans still with no resources, shades of 47%.
A bipartisan group of senior House and Senate lawmakers has introduced legislation that would partially patch the giant hole the Supreme Court blew in the Voting Rights Act last year. And now it’s more or less up to Boehner and company to decide whether they support the fix, and, if so, whether they want the right to have veto power over it.In other words, will the Voting Rights Act fix be like ENDA? Like immigration reform? Or will GOP leadership surprise everyone and adhere to democratic principles, even if it means conservative hard-liners have to grouse among themselves about how poor black people will find it too easy to exercise their franchise.
that last sentence rebukes republican claims of making it easy for Americans to succeed. this is just like the rest empty lies with no honesty, they claimed jobs their focus 2019 they went out a voted for them i defy any of those grassroots people to prove they got a job strictly from republican laws. to add insult to injury they want to holdback because Dems might use it to gain advantage we are not as important as the game they play. Nov. 4th be aware, and be there