There's a storm a brewin'.Though October's two-week long government shutdown is a faint memory for most, the GOP will continue to feel its reverberations carrying into 2014 as the party continues to splinter. The shutdown (catalyzed by an unwavering faction of the GOP who believes the Affordable Care Act's detriment outweighs that of two weeks with out Uncle Sam) sundered the Republican Party into Tea Party-backed activists and run-of-the-mill Republicans.The government shutdown served as a wakeup call to establishment GOP groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (and GOP leadership alike), which watched aghast as Tea Party lawmakers refused to compromise and almost welcomed the shutdown. Now, the USCC and other groups plan on pouring money into the campaign war chests of establishment GOP polsto fend off Tea Party primary opponents.Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) continues to lead the libertarian-leaning charge with the sole purpose of repealing Obamacare. Anonymous members of Congress fed the media snippets of GOP talks throughout the shutdown claiming Cruz's "fauxllibuster," was, however valiant, utterly foolhardy and self-motivated. On the flip side, groups such as the Senate Conservatives Fund (purveyor of, stand by the senator's cracks at the law.
have the people in the funny hats and clothes with tea bags dangling like wind chimes finally gotten to big and must fail? i've written a few times as to whether the downward spiral of the republican party an effort by moderates to reign in the T-Party and take back their party, looks like i wasn't that far off. hard to claim you are for the grassroots people and do everything you can to destroy them and yourself. grassroots does not address America it is a fringe group on their own, they said they would fix Washington but instead almost destroyed the country and when it became obvious they plowed on full speed ahead.
Given the country's current political climate, the future of the GOP remains uncertain. Conservative pundits declare 2014 the year of the GOP so long as they allow Obamacare to continue wreaking havoc on the health insurance market. But with six million people reported to have lost coverage, can GOP lawmakers really turn a blind eye on their constituents just to prove a political point?
it is not about us it's about political advantage and we have seen them take that advantage and attempt to redo America in their image, not even a good image.