Sunday, December 15, 2013

Fox News Marks Newtown Anniversary With Lobbyist Who Says God Is 'Judging' Unarmed People

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What are Chris Wallace and Fox News thinking to book a gun rights lobbyist to discuss the anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting? "Balance," naturally.  
Fox News host Chris Wallace said on Sunday that he interviewed a fringe conservative gun lobbyist in order to balance the debate about gun law on the anniversary of the slaughter of 20 elementary school children in Newtown, Connecticut.
Wallace began his Sandy Hook anniversary segment by speaking to Mark Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ). Kelly is a gun owner who has called modest restrictions like background checks after his wife was critically injured by a mass shooter.
i saw this creep today what stuck in my mind was his saying in same sentence that criminals and mentally ill belong in jail, than he topped that with this quote,
Earlier this year, Pratt suggested to a tea party group that there were guns in the Bible and that God was "blessing" gun owners, while "judging" unarmed Americans.
"Now, for the other side of the gun debate," Wallace announced. "Larry Pratt is executive director Gun Owners of America."
"We're not really going to able to talk about a victory until we get rid of the laws that prohibit people from having guns to protect themselves in schools and in other places," Pratt explained. "Every one of our mass murders in our country has occurred in places where guns were prohibited."
The gun lobbyist went on to say that even existing restriction had to be repealed because they were "lethal."
"It is killing people," he insisted. "All of these gun-free zones are murder magnets, and we've simply got to get rid of them. It's an illusion to think that somehow we're going to be safer because we can't have a gun in a particular area because the bad guy is going to have a gun."
right wing gun addicts will say anything to keep that gun buzz going do they fear withdrawal if they have to undergo a background check, or just afraid of a more real rejection?   the laws are killing people yeah he's hooked.