Monday, December 30, 2013

Dems Call Out GOPers Who Wanted Obama Impeachement

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The Democratic National Committee wants supporters to remember which lawmakers suggested impeaching President Barack Obama.
In the recent fundraising email, the DNC highlighted quotes by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI), and Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), all of whom have suggested moving to impeach the president.
"What do these people all have in common?" the email read before quoting Inhofe saying "People may be starting to use the I-word before too long."
"We can have an impeachment hearing in the House and in my mind the president has committed impeachable offenses," Bachmann is quoted as saying in the email.
Bentivolio is quoted saying that if he could write a bill impeaching Obama "and submit it, it would be a dream come true."
there they go again throwing a charge out there than try to find a reason why.  there is no impeachable offense.
think about it who best fits those criteria for impeachment and who has not done their job in 5 years and thinking they have 3 more in the easy chair.
number 1 was out of necessity, because they wouldn't do their job.
number 2 is the republicans 100 fold, voter blocking, just to save ink.
number 3 well read all of the above then add your list.
only one way to win the "do nothingest" award.
And the DNC concludes the list with Farenthold saying "if we were to impeach the president tomorrow, you could probably get the votes in the House of Representatives to do it."
The list includes just a few of the lawmakers who have floated impeachment. Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), Steve Stockman (R-TX), Trey Radel (R-FL), Steve King (R-IA), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), and now-Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), have also brought up the idea of impeachment before.
you know it's not their fault it's Pres. if not for him they would not have had to kick America to the curb and spend every waking moment trying to undermine him,  after all they failed at the one term thing so more of the same seems like a great idea. DAMN OBAMA, brought down the right wing, could this too be part of that change thing he talked about and they joked about, well the green eggs are in their face.  he who laughs last isn't a republican.