Friday, November 1, 2013

The Truth About Those Canceled Health Plans

There's been a lot of talk lately about people getting letters from their health insurance carriers canceling their policies because of Obamacare. What's really going on here?
Wait, Obama killed my health insurance? Oh %$@*, I'm uninsured now!
Not quite. First off, this affects a pretty small sliver of the U.S. population: the people who buy health insurance directly, rather than the 80 percent who get it from their jobs or a government program like Medicare or Medicaid, or the 15 percent who have no health insurance at all.
Estimates vary, but the Census Bureau says this figure is about 4 percent of Americans, which comes to about 11 million people. A lot of those folks are finding out that the health insurance plans they have this year aren't going to be sold anymore. How many? Hard to say, with reports ranging from a few hundred thousand to millions. (And their coverage isn't changing today; it's changing next year.)
we need to take a page from the right wing playbook "get out there with your message and pump it at every turn", that is how they have so many under informed about ACA.  no doubt this admin failed miserably at that.
some Americans don't challenge news they except whatever from whoever that only leaves them half cocked and missing out.
I'm one of those people! Why would Obama make health insurance companies cancel my plan? Seems mean.
The fact is, some health insurance on the market today is just lousy. That's a big reason why even people who have insurance can go bankrupt when their medical bills start piling up.
Health insurance you bought for yourself before might have been (or seemed) perfectly okay, but there's a good chance it had big holes in it -- the kind people tend to only find out about when they incur expensive doctor and hospital bills. And if you have a pre-existing condition, or you're older, or you're a woman, you have been paying more for that insurance.
But not all the insurance plans being canceled are lousy. Some people really do like their plans, and they're losing them because of relatively small differences in new Affordable Care Act rules.
i ask do you really want to keep your insurance if it is substandard subject to changes in premiums and everything else at the pleasure of that company, yes these are regulations but where would you be now if there were none, like the shutdown nobody checked the food you bought, the agencies that are their to protect us have been demonized by the republicans in favor of deregulation which is a greenlight to shortcut all you want dump waste where you want fill the air with toxins and expect an end that looks like this for you and your family.