Sunday, October 20, 2013

Senator Cruz returns to Texas welcome after shutdown battle

Article PhotoSAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, a favorite of the conservative Tea Party movement, returned home to a rousing welcome in Texas on Saturday after his attempt to derail Obamacare with a shutdown of the federal government led to sharp criticism of his tactics as reckless and futile.
"After two months in Washington, it's great to be back in America," Cruz joked in speaking to a crowd of about 750 people in a packed downtown San Antonio hotel ballroom.
 Cruz was greeted with an eight-minute standing ovation in an appearance organized by the Texas Federation of Republican Women. People in attendance, many of them wearing red to show their support for keeping Texas a conservative-leaning state, lined up to greet him.
Texans are the best argument for their secession i still favor the Galapagos island for those who are so anal they don't see that many in the crowd of cheer leaders are in the jackpot too.
Cruz in his speech in San Antonio blasted Senate Republican leaders for "failing to stand with House Republicans against the train wreck that is Obamacare."
He declined to criticize any Republicans by name.
While he said the agreement to end the shutdown and extend the debt ceiling was a "lousy deal for the American people," Cruz said the battle he and other Republicans waged will end up helping his party.
i know all Texans aren't mentally deprived but enough for those who are to continue to be put out front.  reading the last paragraph shows the disconnection with reality he said,  "lousy deal for the American people,"  that the closure of the gov't and paying the bills they already agreed to make,  naming names he doesn't have to if will be known and those who did know who he's pointing at.
notice you never hear republicans say when referring to debt limit that it's just paying already owed bills, and they are still saying "they are still saying they don't want to give Pres. a blank check" then in the next sentence they grin and wring their hands and say "we control the purse strings"  so America who's zoomin' you?