Two Koch brothers supported dark money groups are facing the largest fines in the the history of the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC). The organizations involved include two Arizona based Koch funded groups, the Center to Protect Patient Rights (CPPR) and Americans for Responsible Leadership.
The two groups funneled millions of dollars into the state of California, in order to sway voters minds on two of the state’s ballot initiatives, in 2012. The one million dollar fine is the third largest ever to be imposed in the U.S., in relation to campaign finance. All funds which were transferred illegally must also be handed over to the state’s general fund, per California law.
The case involves the transfer of $11 million from one of the Arizona based groups.
The money was given to a third Koch funded group located in California, called Americans for Job Security. It was then handed off to yet another group, the Small Business Action Committee. A second transfer of $4 million was also discovered during the California attorney general’s investigation.Those funds were funneled into the state from CPPR to yet another group, located in California. The total sum of illegal contributions, $15 million dollars, must also be handed over to the state, in addition to the million dollar fine.
they must have made a mistake and thought they actually did buy the gov't, this is great they as well as the others that attempt to buy control over the nation get called out and hopefully prosecuted, there is the conundrum will their big bucks buy them out or will justice prevail and the scotus repeal their citizens united abomination, there you go republicans a proper place for that word not ACA.
CPPR’S contributors are not disclosed.
The Center to Protect Protect Rights is a case unto itself. The group’s address is a post office box located in the state of Arizona. The head of the group is a GOP political consultant, Sean Rice. The group, which claims a 501(c)4 charity status, also funneled $55 million in political contributions in 2010. Those funds were spent in an effort to defeat democratic candidates. CPPR’s contributors are not disclosed.
Rice is described as “the wizard behind scenes” of the Koch brothers dark money network
there are no surprises here, this is classic rightc wing MO those behind the door meetings that they tried to put on Pres. they do it but he did it they are so confused.