Sunday, October 27, 2013

Jindal: Education reform the new Republican cause

the guy doesn't seem to understand their no longer called "VALUES" but now they are "PRINCIPLES" are their problem, 
they have gone through ac plethora of causes why the keep failing and continually avoid and promote the word change, keeping either one is still the one "VALUES or "PRINCIPLES" THEY ARE STILL LYING AND DECEIVING AND TRYING TO DENY YOU HEALTH CARE AND TAKING FOOD OUT OF BABIES MOUTHS. 
and btw they are still fighting against rich taxing and ridding us of those loop holes, so they said they had to start changing the way they talk but they keep only changing one word that is synonymous with the old word they are who they will always be republicans.
Vouchers that allow children to transfer out of failing public schools and into private schools on the public's dime, new accountability measures, A-F grading systems for schools, dual enrollment programs and public-private partnerships that allow students to take courses from a host of providers are all new and successful ideas, he said. 
But Jindal's implementation of education reform and some of those ideas in his own state have stirred up controversy and backlash. 
Louisiana is currently embroiled in a lawsuit with the Justice Department over the state's school voucher program. Justice claims the program has harmed the federal desegregation efforts of schools.
The state also released its school performance scores last week, showing improvement and earning praise from officials, including state Superintendent John White. About 43 percent of schools received an A or B grade for the 2012-13 school year, compared to 36 percent during the previous school year. About 8 percent of  Louisiana schools are currently considered failing, which is down from 12 percent.
Jindal is promoting privatization of FLA short and simple it is the republican Obamacare read closely anything that is suppose to be better than the Pres.'s plans there is a backdoor entrance to privatization,  vouchers really?recognize