Monday, October 14, 2013

Ignorant Tea Party outrage: Sarah Palin’s latest Obamacare lie

Article PhotoThe Republicans who attack the Affordable Care Act are so twisted in their vulgar logic that they trip themselves up whenever they seek justification from history.  At that warped assembly misnamed the “Values Voter Summit” last week, Dr. Ben Carson, an African-American neurosurgeon and Fox News contributor, literally called Obamacare “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”  
Recognizing how odd these words must have sounded coming from a person of color, he doubled down:  “And it is slavery, it is, in a way, slavery, because it is making all of us subservient.”
When outspoken conservatives look for historical analogies in support of their “Obamascare” tactics, they always seem to herald their imagined outrage over American slavery.  Former Speaker of the New Hampshire House of Representatives William O’Brien has compared healthcare reform to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.  
Is granting Americans the right to buy health insurance as destructive to “personal and individual liberty” as federal agents being forced to recapture slaves and return them to their southern masters?  When asked to defend his remarks, O’Brien later added that both laws allowed the federal government to “go into states and order individuals and state governments to enforce federal laws in the states.”  (He foolishly thinks that states can pick and choose which federal laws they will enforce.)
Both Dr. Carson and Speaker O’Brien reflect the conservative impulse to exploit people’s fears by making anathema what is actually humane progress.  They routinely deny actual historical experience and abandon coherent logic.  In his speech yesterday, Carson casually segued from slavery to Leninism–yes, it was Lenin, he stressed, who pronounced that socialized medicine was the “keystone” to full-blown socialism.
separationist reject any form of social anything they have convinced their base that the things they need to live when they are not able to do it themselves is some kind of atrocity, and they seem to except it even though it's aimed at them too.  i think this is what emboldens them to say and do exactly what they are doing to their base but the secret ingredient is the red meat they mix in there, it totally erases any recollction by the base to recognize the persons all around them have cross hairs on their backs too.
Whatever smacks of “government takeover” is fair game for these guys, knowing that fear is currency and media distortions their sure-fire means of controlling minds that are the most susceptible.  Which is why they accuse the president of doing what they, in fact, are doing.  Carson railed:  “It was never about healthcare; it was about control.”  Really?  That was President Obama’s motive in 2008 and 2009?
Is it historical amnesia or something more sinister when conservatives liken healthcare to tyranny and slavery and servitude?  Here’s the clownish Sarah Palin on Fox News: “What Barack Obama seems to want is to go back before those days when we were in different classes based on different incomes, based on color of skin.”
Yes, Sarah, it’s President Obama who wants to return us to the pre-Civil War era, when slavery, racial discrimination, and individual rights were based on the legal definition of whiteness.  By her reasoning, the Affordable Care Act returns him to a subordinate status, one of the class of non-citizens who were denied equal rights–let alone high office. 
The analogy is utterly racist.  Ms. Palin and all the sheep-like, tea-besotted haters who take in this garbage are unable to escape their netherworld.  The fact is that no one has to return the United States to an era “when we were different classes,” as she puts it, because we have a thriving and unequal class system right now. 
It is based on the concentration of wealth within giant corporations; it is reflected in the riches that allow CEOs and paid lobbyists to make government policy.  Our unequal class system enables the ruling elite class–the only people who could directly identify with Mitt Romney–to pay a lower tax rate than schoolteachers and nurses.
i don't know who's worse people like Palin or those who stand on stage along sider and know better but they also know they can easily fool these people  G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".
decades worth of brain washing has created the worse people in America and it was all a manipulative plan by Nixon and Roger Ailes