Thursday, October 10, 2013

House GOP leaders seek short-term debt extension

Article Photonote, the republicans are still in the same place and look who's kicking the can down the road, Pres. wants long term fixes they want to short term so they can do this again.  it's clear they fear the T-P more than the voters that actually determine if they get a chance to continually do nothing while collecting on our dime.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Speaker John Boehner told Republican lawmakers Thursday he will give President Barack Obama a proposal extending the government's ability to borrow money through Nov. 22 — but only if he agrees to negotiate over ending the partial government shutdown and a longer-term increase in the debt ceiling.
"It gets us down the road a little bit so they can continue to talk," Rep. Tim Griffin, R-Ark., said after Boehner presented the plan to a closed-door meeting of House Republicans.
Though the GOP proposal could avert an unprecedented federal default that the Obama administration has warned could occur as early as Oct. 17, it would not necessarily bring a quick end to the 10-day partial federal shutdown. Obama has insisted that Congress reopen the government and extend the debt limit without condition.
they cannot give you back the livelihood they stole from you right away by a partial agreement. Pres. was right not to except piecemeal hand outs which only guaranteed the republicans another day of obstruction and you another day of furloughs.
A White House official said Obama would be willing to negotiate over the budget "once Republicans in Congress act to remove the threat of default and end this harmful government shutdown."
Rep. Robert Pittinger, R-N.C., said the six-week extension would provide "an opportunity to bring the parties together."
Some conservatives expressed reservations " I'm not very enthusiastic about that," Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said of Boehner's plan.
they can ease your hurt immediately but they don't want to they want you to sit at home shut up and let them try to take away your health care too, your job and federal services were not enough.  turn down the TV you'll hear the right wing can of your future rattling down your street. recognize 2014.
the world seeing our news would think all republicans do is lie, obstruct then walk down the hall and tell us the Pres. is doing what they just did, notice the entourage is falling back a bit from their fearful leader?