Thursday, October 10, 2013

Heritage Action caves, says it wants the debt ceiling raised

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is DeMint yielding to the law, the Pres. or the 2014 possibilities?
The CEO of the conservative group Heritage Action For America delivered a blow to the GOP’s efforts to force the country to collide with the debt ceiling. On Oct. 9, Michael Needham said that he opposed tying Obamacare to the debt ceiling. He believes that the world market will react rather negatively, even if the Treasury prioritizes payments so that interest on foreign debt continues to be paid.
In his view, when it comes to defunding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the better focus is on annual spending. He’d also prefer to keep the government shut down if the ACA is not dismantled.

Heritage Action has broken with the GOP before.

This isn’t the first time Heritage Action has disagreed with the Republican position. Earlier this year, Heritage Action urged its people to vote “no” on moving money around within the ACA. This was a plan to take from some parts to fund other parts. It was part of a weak strategy to help change the GOP’s current image of a party that doesn’t care about the poor and sick. 
It was also seen as a compromise. However, Heritage Action and others don’t want compromise. They want the law gone.
here is a picture of what the brainless trust of the republican party is up to. can't really spot any difference breaking from the GOP means business as usual, 
why do they go through these "change" chicken crap they pay for lessons on how to talk to earthlings and the fake autopsy, declarations of reaching out that was a no go from the start you can't spend centuries chastising and demonizing then expect on your 10 minute say so before that idea was scrapped and go back to "their values" the real culprit to their demise, party of stupidity.
one more time for those who are listening now to the people but just not paying attention
They’ve also pushed the GOP to get rid of its image as the party of big business. They want a  move towards adopting an identity that’s more populist and libertarian. Needham said,
“Becoming a party that more authentically stands up for the working class, becoming a party that more authentically stands up to a culture of cronyism in this town … is a more realistic path toward electoral victory. The Republican Party is in a bind right now between their base voters who authentically believe in Ronald Reagan’s vision of conservatism and K Street, which is necessary in their minds to raise funds to run multi-million dollar elections.
“The Republican Party should start authentically leading based on the values that their voters have, and not trying to play this game of both appeasing K Street and giving lip service to their voters.” [SOURCE]
you cannot change your spots unless you are a chameleon then that would explain the many complexion's of your quest to destroy America