Sunday, October 13, 2013

Government shutdown: 'It is time to tell Congress to go to hell'

Article PhotoFederal judges, long used to being blasted as “judicial activists” by members of Congress, are now directing a stream of anger and vitriol right back at Capitol Hill.
Driving judges’ ire: the budget austerity and chaos lawmakers have imposed on the judiciary. Jurists say funding for the courts has already been cut to the bone by way of sequestration — and now the government shutdown has added insult to injury, leaving the government’s third branch running on fumes that likely won’t last out the week.
now there's a plan ct the courts budget and run amuk with impunity but it's another case of them not thinking before leaping, this will be over and any charges incrred can still be prosecuted.
“Given the loss of employees already suffered by the judiciary on account of the sequester and otherwise, why shouldn’t every remaining employee of every federal district court (including [federal public defenders]) be declared ‘essential?’” the judge asked.
“Such an order would set up an inter-branch dispute worth having….[Congress] could do nothing, in which event Congress loses its ability to destroy the judiciary [by] failing to pass a budget. Or, Congress could go bat@!$%# and the judiciary and Congress could have it out,” he said.
Such exasperation is even creeping into judicial rulings.
When lawyers for the House urged Judge Amy Berman Jackson to keep a case demanding Operation Fast and Furious-related records from Attorney General Eric Holder moving forward during the shutdown, the judge said lawmakers could cool their heels, just like others with claims pending against the government.
“While the vast majority of litigants who now must endure a delay in the progress of their matters do so due to circumstances beyond their control, that cannot be said of the House of Representatives, which has played a role in the shutdown that prompted the stay motion,” Jackson wrote.
the audacity of arrogance rules the right wing they have only to fear being primaried at least that's what they think but isn't that an insult to "we the people", they ignore their pledged responsibilities for personal interest and don't worry about reelection they worry about other republicans.
those in the gerrymandered guaranteed districts for republicans aren't you outraged at being used and subject to the same things you cheer them for that hurts everyone you too, make gerrymandering leave a sour taste in their mouths because the elephant dung you will have to swallow will surely leave one in yours. recognize