Monday, October 21, 2013

Democrats Have A Shot At Taking Back The House As Republican Popularity Continues To Drop: Poll

Article PhotoA new survey of 25 GOP-held districts shows dwindling favorability for Republican members of the House in the wake of the recent government shutdown.
The survey, conducted by liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling and funded by, is the third in a series of polls that indicate Democrats have a shot at taking back the House of Representatives in the 2014 election cycle.
The results of the latest survey show that incumbent Republicans in 15 of the 25 districts polled trail generic Democratic candidates. When combined with the results of the previous surveys, the polls show that generic Democratic candidates lead in 37 of 61 GOP-held districts.
prepare yourself for the right wing rebuttal the polling sites especially Move On are right wing radio and other outlets prime target O'Reilly calls them wing nuts but you surely have your opinion as to that pot kettle analogy.
Democrats in the House only need to see a net increase of 17 seats in order to take back the majority. This poll indicates that Democrats could see an increase of as many as 49 seats.
Public Policy Polling indicated several caveats to the results. The surveys were conducted during a high-profile budget crisis debate, a year before the elections will take place. And incumbent Republican candidates were compared to "generic Democrats," who may not represent the actual candidates each district will see.
"Democrats must recruit strong candidates and run effective campaigns in individual districts if they are to capitalize on the vulnerability revealed by these surveys," Public Policy Polling's Jim Williams said of the caveat, "and they must maintain a significant national advantage over Republicans."
they created these super pacs and the scotus let them get away with it so now it is alls fair in campaign raising money and what it can do to influence the fickle American electorate.  now is the time for fighting fire with fire.