was he asking for forgiveness for what they did to Americans, well then it's still hell to pay,
A few days into the shutdown, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) prayed and asked God why he was put in charge of coralling the House Republican caucus toward a deal to open the government, according to National Review.
Boehner, as he was praying, thought "there must be a reason" he was in his position, according to sources close to the speaker.
Boehner reportedly shared the story with a small group of lawmakers, who urged him to be more vocal about it, but Boehner quickly dismissed the idea.“I’m a Catholic — not a Baptist!” Boehner reportedly said.The moment of prayer was a turning point and Boehner began to rally his caucus behind him, according to National Review's Jonathan Strong.
his cuacus rallied because they realized they muffed it up againg and if they ever wanted to see 2016 or 14 they better drop that "VALIUES" BS and do something.
Boehner proceded with optimism toward a comprehensive deal, something Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH) said Boehner has chased for a while."[Boehner] has said for a long time, as long as I’ve known him, long before he was back in leadership, that the reason why he was here is to do the 'big deal,'" Tiberi told the National Review.
ROFLMAO, another righty God talks to he wonders why he was in that position that's easy he's a republican, and are we to believe he told a small group of Godless republicans about his talk with God and they supported him and now they are in on the exchange between him and God, did God ask them why they are so hateful and denying poor and elderly and waging a war on women and lying and cheating fellow Americans of their rights to vote, and interfering in peoples lives in His name while doing nothing of His teachings?
nah they don't know Him that well.
and as all republican epiphanies they are just mind farts and once they dissipate in seconds so does their new revelation and it's back to the pig pen and a good wallow in the slop.