Friday, September 27, 2013

Gospel according to Bill O’Reilly: Jesus died for your taxes

Article PhotoBill O’Reilly has described the life and teaching of Jesus in a new book, and it turns out the Messiah is a lot like himself.
The Fox News pundit and frequent writing partner Martin Dugard on Tuesday released Killing Jesus: A History, the latest in their series on doomed historical figures such as John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.
In her review of the book for The Daily Beast, religious history expert Candida Moss said O’Reilly and his co-author seem to suggest that Jesus was killed because of taxes.
“The basic argument of the book is that Jesus died because he interfered with the taxation-heavy Roman revenue stream,” Moss writes. “The reason the Jews eagerly anticipated the Messiah, writes O’Reilly, is, ‘When that moment arrives, Rome will be defeated and their lives will be free of taxation and want.’”
Moss, a professor of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of Notre Dame, notes that most Jews at the time of Jesus were poor and oppressed under the Roman occupation.
could this be an on air self shooting of his own foot? he claims to be looking out for the folks, the same folks the evangelicals are they are foxes bread and butter, so he proceeds to twist whatever under information they already have as to Jesus.  
She also points out that, under the system that Jesus died protesting, wealthy citizens were exempt from most taxes altogether and non-citizens paid a flat-rate poll tax regardless of income – both of which resemble suggestions by present-day American conservatives.
“It’s not like the Romans did anything obscene like tend to the poor,” Moss notes dryly.
Moss wonders how O’Reilly could have attempted a retelling of Jesus’ life so comprehensive that he repeats some events without covering what she considers to be one his most important messages.
why do haters assume they can sell any connection to God that qualifys their "tell his story" has he gotten that arrogant that he feels he can make a dollar off the gullible base clinging to religion by re-writing history, he likes words can he say blasphemy, and Hell?
  will he lose viewers of his coveted bragged too much about number one show,  he's already loss his mind why not.  only fitting for a disciple of hell.