Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Until Last Week, The Official Policy Of One Virginia City Was To Assume All Rape Victims Were Lying


Article PhotoUntil last week, Norfolk, Virginia police classified sexual assault claims to be “unfounded” — or not valid — by default. According to the Virginian-Pilot, a 22-year-old woman’s case prompted Norfolk police chief Mike Goldsmith to update the policy so that officers must now assume rape victims are telling the truth.
well how chauvinistic of them, i was stationed out of Norfolk there is a lot of prostitution there and in Portsmouth, actually my knowledge is from '65-'67 don't know about now but given this article i would think it increased and they are trying to cover the Navy's butt, it is their bread and butter, and we know they can't keep them off each other so on the beach i would think like Texas and AZ. green light, think about it, too many complaints to resolve not solve declare them all liars or "NHI" no humans involved.
The woman reported the attack immediately to police, only to be told, “If we find out that you’re lying, this will be a felony charge.” Before giving her a medical examination, officers subjected the woman to interrogations during which they said things like, “You’re telling us a different story than you told … the other detectives,” and “This only happened hours ago. Why can’t you remember?” Having had enough, the woman cut off the interview.
The police eventually arrested and charged the attacker for multiple other sexual assaults and felonies, and Goldsmith apologized for mishandling the woman’s initial allegations. Now that Goldsmith has updated the policy for handling sexual assault cases, the department will also undergo training for post-traumatic stress disorder and rape trauma.
and the band plays on, why is this guy not in stocks in the center of town, tends to indicate compliance with those city officials with the power to fire him.
For law enforcement to assume that rape victims are usually lying is a gross misunderstanding of the number of false rape accusations. Only two to eight percent of reported rapes are false reports, and even fewer ever include a specific false accusation. In fact, the real problem is that most rapes go unreported.
wonder why could it be a double attack by perpetrator and then by those who are suppose to defend you?