Monday, August 19, 2013

Ted Cruz Releases Birth Certificate to Quell Birthers

there are no metallic envelopes push them to hard and they bend and crumple.

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there are no metallic envelopes push them to hard and they bend and crumple.
Texas Senator and potential 2016 candidate for the Republican nomination Ted Cruzreleased his birth certificate to the Dallas Morning News on Sunday, in an attempt to quell a minor birther movement that has questioned Cruz’s American citizenship and eligibility to be president.
The certificate confirms that Cruz was born in Alberta, Canada. As his mother was an American citizen, he is one as well, but as he was born on Canadian soil he also became a Canadian citizen. Cruz maintains citizenship for both nations until he formally renounces one or the other.
The dual citizenship allows him to run for President, and also Canadian parliament, should he choose to do so.
ok if the fact that his mom was American he he says that makes him qualified, why doesn't the same philosophy applie to Pres. his mom was American and White whats the fuss, has he opened a can of republican worms and put a frame around right wing birtherism of the Pres.?  OOP'S!!
Widely rumored to be prepping a run for President, Cruz has come under fire from some of the same groups that refused to accept Obama’s nationality. Orly Taitz, perhaps the most famous birther short of Donald Trump, wrote earlier this month that Obama had so corrupted the rule of law that it no longer mattered whether Cruz was legally a citizen.
this has got to be the second dumbest thing coming out of the republican comedy writers room. 
we is trying to blame Pres. for their never ending birther snipe hunt. like every other thing they say about him there is not an iota of truth just republican vaudeville.