Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Presidential Eligibility Questioned

Article PhotoSome members of the Republican party who have spent years questioning whether President Obama was really born in the U.S. now find one of their own rising stars in a birther controversy: Ted Cruz, the Canadian-born Tea Party darling.
Leading the conservative-leaning Drudge Report this morning is the headline "CNN: IS CRUZ ELIGIBLE?" The insinuation is that just as people on the right have questioned Obama's roots, CNN -- which many conservatives suspect of a left-wing bias -- is going after a rising conservative.
In other words: They do it, too, so it's okay when we do it.
To be blunt, Cruz's eligibilty to run is much less certain than Obama's. Obama's isn't even a real question. He's proven repeatedly he was born in Hawaii, and anyone who chooses to believe otherwise is choosing to believe otherwise. Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, to an American mother and Cuban father. That's a potential problem, because the Constitution says presidents must be "natural born citizens."
did they actually think they could sneak him in and his birthplace be "it's ok he's republican"? is he there just to secure the Hispanic vote and be the resident flamethrower or did they leap without looking again?