Saturday, August 17, 2013

News International could face corporate charges over phone hacking

seems as though Murdoch is bigger than the gov.'t and does the things that gov'ts do, did NSA get the idea from him?
Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper division could face corporate charges in relation to the Metropolitan police's phone-hacking investigation, it has been claimed in a report by The Independent.
Two "very senior figures" in News International, now renamed as News UK, have been interviewed in relation to the corporate aspect of the investigation, which is also examining allegations of bribery of public officials, it has emerged.
The allegations indicate a new line of inquiry is opening into the Murdoch empire which has potentially serious consequences for News UK, the company that owns the Sun and the Times newspapers. In an attempt at damage limitation following the scandal, News Corp was separated from News UK.
Such an inquiry would mirror events in the US where the Department of Justice and the FBI are investigating Murdoch's US parent company, News Corp, under the Foreign and Corrupt Practices Act which can impose severe penalties on companies that bribe foreign officials.
see all the good stuff Fox watchers miss, under informed and half cocked.
Labour MP Chris Bryant, who was one of the most vocal critics of News International when phone hacking was uncovered, said the Met had told him they were "actively investigating corporate charges and that they were in correspondence with the American authorities, the FBI."
Bryant said the law in the UK is now as tough as in the US due to the enactment of the Bribery Act 2010.
"Under the Bribery Act, the body corporate can have charges laid against it if its corporate governance was so reckless as to be negligent," Bryant said.
wonder where this will end up don't remember much about first charges toward what i thought was the end of the trial or results i could have missed it but that would imply it was in and out of the cycle. than again he's not the Pres. or running for anything except maybe the first jet out of here.