this is right wing hate at it's worst by it's worse.
Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham on Monday railed about the commemoration ceremonies for the 50th anniversary of civil rights March on Washington, and then interrupted a recording of Rep. John Lewis’ (D-GA) speech with the sound of gunfire.
Following the lead of conservative media outlets like Breitbart and The Blaze, Ingraham lashed out Martin Luther King III for saying on Saturday that “the color of one’s skin remains a license to profile, to arrest and to even murder.”“But it all comes down to just George Zimmerman?” she asked. “The goal was, as our caller said, to divide. To co-opt the legacy of Martin Luther King into a modern day liberal agenda, a left-wing agenda, progressive agenda. Whatever you want to call it. From gay marriage to immigration amnesty was thrown in for good measure. We talked about the Voting Rights Act.”To make her point about immigration, Ingraham played a portion of Lewis’ speech.“We must say to the Congress, pass comprehensive immigration reform,” Lewis said. “It doesn’t make sense that millions of our people…”But the congressman’s remarks were interrupted by a loud echoing gunshot followed by a few moments of silence. Ingraham offered no explanation for the sound effect.
she knows that that act of right wing radicalism will inspire the band of crazies they keep in the wing, like when Palin said "don't retreat reload", well she was heard and Gabby Giffords and her party were shot and some killed by a crazy.
But she did support Obama’s healthcare reform. This made her, according to the New York Daily News, “a popular target of conservative talking head Sarah Palin and Tea Party members during the 2010 election. On her Facebook page last spring, Palin posted a U.S. map with crosshairs of a rifle scope [my bold] over the districts repped by Giffords and 19 other Democrats.”
of course they got upset at the suggestion of her complicity directly or indirectly.
Following a commercial break, Ingraham had conservative columnist Pat Buchanan on the show to explain that Lewis, Rev. Al Sharpton and other speakers at Saturday’s event were “part of a great racket.”“What will these folks do, quite frankly, if they had to get up and admit we’ve got more opportunities than any large group of black folks anywhere on Earth today and our community is not making the most of it?” Buchanan ranted.
the racist bitch rings on the pass around racist to explain to her audience his vast knowledge of all the large groups of of Black folk all around the world,
what would those folks including these two do if they ever get up and admit they are making racist personal assumptions that they make up as they regurgitate the hate, burst into flames hopefully.