Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ex-Boy Scouts Form New Organization, With No Icky Gays Allowed

what will they do when the new BSA comes out of the proverbial closet hope it's published.
Article PhotoVisibly unsatisfied with the Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) new policy to allow openly gay scouts, a group of conservatives have founded an alternative organization whose name will be revealed at its first national convention on September 6 and 7 in Nashville, Tennessee. 
And what better keynote speaker for the founding of this new openly homophobic, narrow-minded organization than former Arkansas governor and Fox news host Mike Huckabee, who expresses similar viewswithout any remorse?
Now, don't get me wrong. I am against any government intervention to keep this organization from existing. Its members have a right to express their ideas, as primitive as they are, and exclude whomever they want as long as they remain entirely private. 
However, I feel very uneasy that they can have such authority over young, often naïve children who absorb everything they are told like a sponge. What we've learned so far about the organization, based on its, reminds me more than anything else of Camp Jesus.
For example, the organization pleads for sexual “purity,” i.e. heterosexual, monogamous sex within wedlock. Notwithstanding the fact that even the Bible doesn't respect such standards, abstinence-only sexual education is based on wishful thinkingfalsehood, and lies, and is amiserable failure.
Having figures of authority not talk about (or even worse, denigrate) safe sex practices can only lead to more teen pregnancy, or worse, more STDs.
they are brain washing and indoctrinating their kids into their war of hate against Gays and everything else they oppose creating an on going block of prejudiced bigots.  this will conflict the kids they are not so much about that in the last two generations it's a dying repulsion of a dying party of hate.
and for those on the right who are now appalled, you let them in 2010 tea bags and all.
So as long as BSA's homophobic doppelganger remains a private organization without any government ties, then its policies will be legal and protected by First Amendment rights, however questionable they may be. Having the state decide on morals and righteousness always led to excess, as the Inquisition and the Holocaust can testify.
But as soon as government gives special privileges to an organization, as it once did for BSA, then that organization must abide by the government's rules, explicit or not, which include non-discrimination based on sex, religion, and sexual orientation.
BSA run by those who are trying to destroy America want to have further access to your kids to create the next wave of third column like destruction we must neuter this in 2014 or pay unbelievable cost in the future. recognize