Thursday, August 15, 2013

Conservative Group Wrings Hands Over Fox’s ‘New Pro-Gay Agenda’ Led by Megyn Kelly
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she made the mistake of not remembering she's a woman on Fox, not as you like but as you are told rule number 1.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution‘s Jim Galloway points to a conservative group that is deeply worried about Fox News’ new “pro-gay agenda.”
Wait, what? Did you read that correctly? Yes, you did.
A new “study” from a group called America’s Survival laments the egregious “pro-homosexual advocacy” of Fox’s new primetime host Megyn Kelly. The group sees a devious shift in Fox’s treatment of the homosexuals via their removal of Sean Hannity from the 9 p.m. slot. From the press release:
“Pushing Sean Hannity out of the 9:00 p.m. slot, to make way for pro-homosexual advocate Megyn Kelly, is another sign of the channel’s left-ward drift and decline,” said ASI President Cliff Kincaid, a veteran journalist and media critic.
are the worms turning?
The report includes a lengthy section titled “Fox News Joins the Pro-Homosexual Media Bandwagon,” in which the group wrings hands over how Fox has “increasingly adopted a libertarian brand of ‘conservatism’ that eschews or downplays social issues, especially homosexuality, as too ‘divisive.’” The emergence of this “neutral (or shallow)” coverage of homosexuality has been exacerbated by the “pro-LGBT” advocacy of hosts like Kelly, Bill O’Reilly, and Shepard Smith.
Each “pro-gay” Fox host has their own special section in the report, in which ASI chronicles the many ways these on-air personalities defile conservative values and what not.
well we can all breathe at least the party is still hatefully racist that won't change, but have the usual suspects changed?
The authors suggest Shepard Smith is “the next Anderson Cooper” for being what they deem a “closeted homosexual.” In another section, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace is lambasted for exploring the possible “homophobia” of certain Republican congressmen.
Even popular talk show The Five is decried as “five-for-five pro-homosexual.”
But much of the pearl-clutching is saved for Megyn Kelly. After all, she was the harlot who set O’Reilly up for his infamous “Bible thumpers” remark. ASI cites the below passage from her 2012 interview with an evangelical pastor as clear-cut evidence of her devilishly “pro-homosexual agenda”:
“This country has a long history of discrimination against certain groups. Eventually we wind up getting it right. Right? Against women, against blacks, the civil rights movement and so on. And in justifying that discrimination when it was in place, some folks turn to the Bible and turn to their religious beliefs and said we have to have slavery because it’s in the Bible. Women have to be second-class citizens because that’s in the Bible. Blacks and whites can’t get married because that’s in the Bible. That wound up in a case. A judge wrote that in an opinion, which the Supreme Court ultimately struck that down, saying, ‘That’s not right, judge — the Equal Protection clause says you can’t do that.’ Why is gay marriage any different?”
So… in other words… the cold, hard truth counts as evidence of Kelly turning to some dark side and spitting upon conservatism?
i doubt this is real or some sort of Kumbaya moment for long time hate baiters, if anything probably a ploy to draw in other viewers hoping to convert and add more to the party of stupidity formerly know as the party of stupid.
this won't work because wait an hour one will pop up and sayy something that out stupids the last one, plus they said they didn't need to change anything especially "their values" and therein lies the conundrum the two are mutually inexcusable they won't stop what just started to feel good to them and damning to us, so i say more power to 'em.