Wednesday, August 14, 2013

CNN’s S.E. Cupp And Stephanie Cutter In Explosive Brawl Over Voter ID

Article PhotoTwo of the four co-hosts of CNN’s Crossfire,S.E. Cupp and Stephanie Cutter, engaged in heated exchange during Tuesday’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer over the necessity of voter identification laws. The conversation devolved into crosstalk when Cupp attacked Cutter for demeaning conservatives who insist voter identification is a solution in search of a problem.
“Unfortunately, there hasn’t been voter fraud in North Carolina,” Cutter insisted. “It’s virtually a problem that doesn’t exist.”
She went on to imply that other election reforms are aimed at suppressing the minority vote and, more specifically, the Democratic vote in the Tarheel State.
“When we have troops overseas dying for our right to vote in free and fair Democratic election every day, not a funny issue, and dying for the rights of other people, then one case of voter fraud should be significant enough to address policy changes,” Cupp said.
i never liked her on the cycle msnbc, she would do the same thing argue the validity of the acts by her party that are proven to be lies and misinformation and yet she like so many others find comfort in defending the indefensible and end with that inane elephant dung eatin' smile so unique to republicans after the argue is debunked and act as though "there i proved it".
She conceded that opponents of voter identification have valid concerns about disenfranchisement. However, Cupp lamented that opponents of voter ID insist that concerns about fraud are “phony.”
“When one side is trying to create a problem that doesn’t exist,” Cutter began before Cupp interrupted her.
The panel exploded when Cutter asserted that they get to the heart of the issue and discuss the fundamental right to vote. Blitzer asked Cutter to clarify why she insists that “hundreds of thousands” of voters will be disenfranchised when the state’s governor insists that this will not be the case.
“Why not give it a shot?” Cupp asked.
“Why not give policies that fit the problem a shot,” Cutter fired back.
“What problem?” Cupp replied. “You don’t think there is a problem.”
“We can have that same conversation again, S.E.,” Cutter shot back. “I’m not sure your monitor is working.”
guess Cupp wan't to do the republican two step over and over again thing, but the reprint will be just what you read again, hard to solve when the one who infracts denies what they are doing and why.