ok now there's a whiff of his doing that in the air and what, he has to come to them what happened to him leading taking the initiative did they forget "as long as he ask us first", what is this a power trip they need to feel like grown ups?
An aide to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) warned the White House on Monday it must consult with congressional leaders before taking any military action in Syria.Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said in a blog post that the president was obligated to “consult with Congress on the options he sees as a viable response.”“This consultation has not yet taken place, but it is an essential part of the process,” Buck continued. “And meaningful consultation should happen before any military action is taken.”
if the are claiming dominion over the decision why don't they just make it and tell him?
Buck also demanded that the president “explain his decision publicly, clearly and resolutely” if he decides to act.
who the hell does he think he is demanding the Pres. publicize what he's going to do clearly, which would alert the enemy in advance and causing a failed mission is that the idea they always have said they want him to fail, they failed so far at that so now they want another bite, he is to smart to do that, what he should do is go o TV and bust them out about naivety on foreign affairs and lambast Beohner for not sacking up and telling him hisself. SOB'S