Thursday, August 15, 2013

American Preacher Who Pushed Ugandan 'Kill The Gays' Bill Charged With Crimes Against Humanity

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Scott Lively, head of Defend the Family International, will be tried in a Massachusetts court for crimes against humanity, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday. 
The lawsuit was filed against him by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) on behalf of Sexual Minorities of Uganda (SMUG) last year. They charge that he has spearheaded the Ugandan anti-LGBT movement, advising the government of that country on the “Kill The Gays” bill and conspiring with them for the past decade to persecute LGBT Ugandans. From the papers filed:
The suit alleges that Lively’s involvement in anti-gay efforts in Uganda, including his active participation in a conspiracy to strip away fundamental rights from LGBT persons constitutes persecution. This is the first known Alien Tort Statute (ATS) case seeking accountability for persecution on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
On Alan Colmes radio show, in January of 2010, Lively had this to say:
“What’s the gay agenda in Uganda? It’s the attempt to homosexualize the country like they did in so many other countries. … To change the moral foundation of the society, away from a marriage-based culture, to one of sexual anarchy. That’s why they invited me there. They were concerned about the attempts to do that, by American and European gays, mostly men, who were coming into their country, messing with the young men in the country, and trying to influence their political and cultural policies.”
this ladies and gentlemen is the primary reason other countries hate us we are constantly either by gov't or individual azzholes interfering in their business trying to influence them to take the road they are on, it is the answer to all their problems.  but they see the news and no better and resent those who impose for trying to ruin their centuries old way of life, would you hate those that would assume you are not good enough?
Though he says that he doesn't believe in homosexuals being incarcerated, he has, on many occasions, equated homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality. He has been thumping anti-gay propaganda, spreading spurious "facts" about LGBT persons and knowingly propagating falsehoods about a "gay agenda." He has said that homosexuals ran the Nazi party, co-writing a book called The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, a tome full of idiotic claims that have no basis in reality.
Lively has taken this hateful message around the world, not only advising Ugandan authorities, but also sending an "open letter" to the Russian people. In this, he asserts that homosexuality is a dangerous personality disorder. It makes one wonder whether this letter had any influence over the new anti-gay laws in Russia. After all, it was only a month after Lively had "advised" the Ugandan government that the "Kill The Gays" bill was introduced.
Recently, Lively has been flogging the moronic idea that President Obama is gay. No, really. Lively thinks that the POTUS is gay because Reggie Love, Obama's former personal assistant, was visiting him in February. Because it's unknown for two hetero men to visit, play pool and shoot the @!$%#, you know. Lively has been pushing this ridiculous idea on the World Net Daily website – so you know it must be true!
their base laughs and that's all they need to run tell that.  ever notice everytime one of them says something like that it's followed by that asinine grin of theirs? this is just a good ol time by the good ol people, and an embarrassment to the rest of us, we ought to get a petition to have the right wing expelled and give a state and let lose, no trade to disaster assist just them with them.
these are suppose to be people of God??????