Saturday, July 13, 2013

Why the Latest Zimmerman Race Riot Conspiracy Theory Is the Dumbest Yet

before those who are just finding out start blaming others for alleged riots to come think who profits in instigating civil unrest then read the following paragraph.
The conservative blogosphere is brewing with ominous warnings about the inevitable riots they think will come if George Zimmerman is acquitted of charges related to his killing of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin. 
Article Photo(My colleague Lauren Williams has rightly questioned this mania here.) An email this week from Everett Wilkinson, a former tea party leader in Florida who now runs something called the Nation Liberty Federation, outlines many of the leading (and recurring) conspiracy theories about the verdict's aftermath, which he naturally thinks will include riots: martial law. FEMA camps. But he offers up some of the new ones, too. 
now you know why they had you arming yourself, just in case, be prepared for the Armageddon propaganda the triggers for those with the guns waiting to hear any buzz word.
now if there is no riot watch pay attention because when there isn't one they have to create one to keep the blood thirsty faithfuls sitting by the phone.
Among those is the suggestion that the New Black Panther Party is busing people to Florida for the specific purpose of inciting riots after Zimmerman presumably walks out of court a free man. Wilkinson writes:
Reports have come in from eye witnesses in Sanford, Florida that the New Black Panther Party, an extremist group that has called for the killing of George Zimmerman if he is found not guilty, is busing in thousands to that town. Sanford is the location of the trial and near the place where the shooting of Trayvon Martin by Zimmerman occurred.
There have been threats of riots if Zimmerman is not found guilty and it is believed that the New Black Panther Party and other extremist groups will attempt to take advantage of racial tensions after a non guilty verdict by organizing riots.
Wilkinson points out that the New Black Panthers supposedly put out a "dead or alive" poster with Zimmerman's face on it last year—proof that the "eye witnesses" in Sanford must be right. He writes ominously, "When Zimmerman was first arrested the Black Panthers threatened to burn the whole state of Florida down."
Wilkinson suggests that the Obama administration might be bringing in Russian soldiers to fight off the angry mobs (through FEMA, naturally), a claim that follows on the heels of his suggestion earlier this year that Russian intelligence was warning that President Obama was creating teams of "death squads," a story that originated on a hoax website.
now Trayvon was killed last year if this kinda thing was going on the FBI and all the alphabet agencies would have known and it would have been leaked and in the media by now.  these instigators think very little of their bases intelligence so time doesn't matter they feel they can sell this any time they want.
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".
they failed to report this guess there was no threat to them, but bring up Black Pnthers you don't hear new you bhear Pnthers of the 70's and all the lies created about them then.
remember the Phila. polling station the story read about  Black Panthers  but the pics show one guy i did see one last year that had two, in answer to the republican snoops standing over your shoulder under the guise of looking for fraud.