Monday, July 22, 2013

Westboro Baptist Church Sends Out Flier About Illiteracy, Misspells 'Illiterate'

hate and bigotry the sustenance by which ignorance survives  this is their home page,

Our favorite anti-gay, homophobic pseudo-Christian hate group is at it again, picketing same-sex marriage. This time their
wrath petulant hissy fit is aimed at Rhode Island, which begins recognizing same-sex marriages on the first of August. The WBC is ready to march around with their hateful signs and shout about Hell a lot. They really mean it, too – just look at that flyer! Why, there are CAPITAL LETTERS and bold script and everything… hang on a second. Do you see what I see?
“Is the United States population illerate? Can’t you read? The Lord Jesus Christ said marriage Is between 1 man and 1 woman for life.”
Why, yes I can read, since you ask. But apparently the WBC can’t proofread. Tsk tsk. But you can’t really blame them too much. After all, illiteracy is a big problem in America, with 14 percent of the population – about 32 million of us – who cannot read
Since an ignorant electorate is one of the goals of conservatives, the government isn’t doing much to help lower that number. What with our own Congress being almost as illiterate as the people they purport to represent, and with the GOP’s antipathy towards public education – some to the point of wishing to abolish it completely – we are looking at a group of perpetually ignorant Americans. 
Even those of us who want to learn are being stymied by insane student loan rates.