Sunday, July 7, 2013

Tea Partiers Explain How to Properly Celebrate the 4th of July

The modern Independence Day celebration typically involves things like parades, fireworks, and backyard barbecuing. For the Tea Party Patriots, though, the 4th is a much more solemn occasion, a time for reflecting on all the history that the rest of us tend to gloss over while wilting in the summer heat over the grill. The group has helpfully provided an "Independence Day Tool Kit" with detailed instructions on how to celebrate the holiday, tea party-style. 
According to the Tea Party Patriots, a proper 4th of July celebration should naturally kick off with the reading of the Declaration of Independence (or, if time is an issue, just the important parts). A prayer might also be in order, and the program outline helpfully advises that "smaller families might want to invite another family to join them." 
The extra people are important because the tea partiers recommend that American families spend their day off acting out a play called Unite or Die, whose text on TPP's website is accompanied by a pattern for making tri-corner hats out of construction paper.  
funny how these people proclaim this so called super patriotism, and are doing everything they can to kill the real patriots of the USoA, not riding around in Halloween drag flying confederate flags along side, tea party flags alongside the American flag and the swastikas and Hitler mustaches attached to the Pres. and the don't tread on me flag, somebody help them they don't have a clue who or what they are.
they make threats of gun violence walk around with guns on their hip auto rifles over their shoulder signs that are not the kind of thing you would say if you were able to understand that as much as they like to think tricorner hats Lipton tea bags and a mad love for all things Nazi, do not make you an American patriot, just a Nazi cluck, still angry about the lost civil war.