Friday, July 26, 2013

Only in Florida: Teacher Gets Fired For Saving Her Kids From a Burning Building

Last week, day care teacher Michele Hammack was fired for finding and extinguishing a school fire, and it’s no surprise it happened in Jacksonville, Florida.
It all started during nap time, when Hammack smelled something burning in the school building. Naturally, she went to check on the problem in the adjacent classroom and saw a fire in the oven.
“I ran there and opened it to try to put it out, and the fire alarm started going off,” she explained. Immediately, Hammack ran back to her classroom, woke up the students, and took them outside.
While the other teachers routinely did a head count, she ran back into the building to make sure no other children were inside and that the fire did not spread. After checking that no children were left inside, she ran to where the fire was and extinguished it. 
so far this is front page hero, parents thanking, school board award gettin, i give a damn teacher, but it's Fla. where anything goes and anything does as this article relays.
Relieved that no one was hurt and that the fire had been put out, Hammack’s mood immediately changed when her boss fired her. The owner Olga Rozaov stated, “I fired her only because she left her room. Even though children are sleeping, the teachers are supposed to be there.”
this woman has IMO replaced Zimmerman as the most hated person in America.  why was there no support by the parents who's kids were saved do to her selfless actions this is a horror story straight out of the state of horrible laws and very right wing attitudes it's gov't and a lot of the people, take Disney world off the list this summer and watch to see if Fla. finds the dictionary that gives the real definition of America.
had the fire not been extinguished and she stayed in the room with the kids, would other kids have perished with their teachers or maybe the owner or maybe the hero.  can't see parents getting up in arms for her leaving and possibly saving the entire school and everyone in it, but i go back to the point this is Fla. second only to Texas.