Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Obamacare Ad Spending To Top $1 Billion

do you think they would spend that much money if it was about you or better for you?
Article PhotoMore than $1 billion will be spent on advertising for and against the Affordable Care Act, the comprehensive healthcare reform law known as Obamacare, before all is said and done, according to a media firm's analysis.
Counting money spent on ads since debate on the measure heated up in 2009 until the most recent spending records available, the Campaign Media Analysis Group, part of Kantar Media, found more than $500 million has already been spent on trying to sway public opinion and political races tied to the issue.
"The law both parties now call 'Obamacare' seems due to join Social Security and Medicare in one respect: as a public policy advertising phenom, a program that is reviled and perhaps eventually revered in political advertising for billions of dollars in ad spend to come," said Elizabeth Wilner, vice president for strategic initiatives at CMAG in a release accompanying the analysis. "Yet while Social Security and Medicare have been litigated on the airwaves for more than 40 years, CMAG expects the ACA to break the $1 billion mark by its fifth birthday."
this would not be necessary if one, the republicans would quit lying to you in favor of the status quo "you have money you get well if you don't you either go to and die in the ER, or die on a gurney because you can't afford to be ripped off by ins., and most important you stop being so gullible and some just willing to believe even though it effects them to they still rail against in a circular firing squad and all aiming at the others feet.
Opponents of the legislation have outspent supporters by a 5-to-1 margin, according to CMAG's estimates, but that ratio will likely shift as implementation deadlines approach in the coming years, coinciding with the midterm elections. House Republicans have continued to work to unravel the legislation, arguing that it raises taxes and amounts to government overreach into the private sector, though their efforts to repeal the law have been dead in the water in the Democratically-controlled Senate.
"We expect Democrats on the ballot in 2014 to embrace the individual mandate in TV advertising after basically forfeiting the airwaves to Republicans and other critics for the past three years," Wilner said. "Once the ACA begins to impact voters, we think Democrats will have no choice but to embrace the upsides in advertising."
somebody expecting and us doing don't have to be two different things, it's about if you want it or the misinformation about it, do your seklf a favor listen to everyone else in America except the right wing then make a decision if you want to go back to the deceptive party great go, but at least remember what you could have had 1 year from now when you are right back in the jackpot of ins. co,'s.