Monday, July 29, 2013

Obama: 'No Evidence' Keystone XL Would Create Many Job

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President Obama dismissed the Republican claim that the Keystone XL pipeline would do anything to lower unemployment in the country, calling the project a "blip" in terms of job creation in an interview with the New York Times published Saturday. 
“Republicans have said that this would be a big jobs generator,” Obama told the Times. “There is no evidence that that’s true. The most realistic estimates are this might create maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline, which might take a year or two, and then after that we’re talking about somewhere between 50 and 100 jobs in an economy of 150 million working people.”
Republican supporters of the pipeline have long said the project would be a major job creator. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce took out a full page ad in the New York Times last year, warning President Obama not to say "no" to "20,000 jobs," an often-repeated number gleaned from the pipeline company's estimates.
we know the right wing is deeply invested in fossil fuels that is why there is no rush to green energy on that side it also is why China and everybody else is beating us to the marketplace because of their blocking that effort because it's [Pres. pushing it but as i said they have billions to be lost when we start to get away from the poison fuels that are killing our atmosphere and ultimately us.
TransCanada, the Canadian pipeline company behind the Keystone XL, stood by its claim that 20,000 jobs would result from the project, the Canadian Press reported Sunday. Last year, a Cornell University study concluded the pipeline would create far fewer jobs than TransCanada's figure. According to the study, very few jobs would be locally sourced, and over half of the steel used for the pipeline would be manufactured overseas. 
republicans have mislead us from the outset, remember how they kept trying to say Pres. was giving grants to his friends then sight Solyndra as bad pick money wasted, then you see oil ads and the farce "clean coal" we are falling behind everybody on everything because of their obstinate obstruction to keep it like it is, and we know like it is only favors them.
Pres. jobs plan said to potentially create a million plus jobs but it's not been brought to the floor because they only want to give you 2,000 jobs not even the 20,000 lied about, are you not glad that Pres. is a thinker and not a gut reactionary with his mind on our money and our money on his mind?