Monday, July 29, 2013

Florida Cops Shoot Unarmed Black Man In His Mother's Driveway

Article Photohave you noticed with all the gun promotion ease of acquiring them, carry permits and yet every Black person of late we hear being killed has been unarmed, are they being stifled in attaining guns while their counterparts just have to be White?
This weekend, deputies from Escambia County, Florida shot an unarmed man who went to grab cigarettes from the car parked in the driveway of his mother’s home. A neighbor called police at 2 a.m. because he suspected 60-year-old Roy Middleton was stealing the car. Things quickly escalated when two deputies arrived and ordered Middleton to “get your hands where I can see them,” the Pensacola News Journal reports:
[Middleton] said he initially thought it was a neighbor joking with him, but when he turned his head he saw deputies standing halfway down his driveway.
He said he backed out of the vehicle with his hands raised, but when he turned to face the deputies, they immediately opened fire.
“It was like a firing squad,” he said. “Bullets were flying everywhere.”
The deputies reportedly fired about seven shots at the unarmed man; Middleton was shot in the leg, and another five bullet holes hit the car and the side of house.
it appears to me that if the police would take a second to listen instead of wild eyed "i got one now", Zimmerman frame of mind there would be less dead and more situations found to be nothing more than misunderstanding that culminates into a rush to judgement which ends in death or maiming.
just a couple of seconds to listen.  if they want to throw down on them fine just keep the finger off the trigger, hell they do that on TV.
if we are to believe this, why is there paid administrated leave, he was theson he was not stealing the car. Fla is sending a message like i feel other states unfriendly to those not like them are they trying to purge their population of those let's say who might vote progressive?