Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Obama at Knox College: ‘Washington has taken its eye off the ball’
Obama's new economic message:  Same as his old economic messageGALESBURG, Ill. — President Obama described a vulnerable economic recovery Wednesday that he said is being undermined by worsening partisan politics in Washington and urged the country to stand behind his budget priorities in the months ahead as the best way to promote jobs andprotect the middle class.
Angrily denouncing House Republicans for opposing legislation he says would benefit the economy, Obama said political obstruction is hampering what has been a steady, if unfinished, climb from the depths of the worst recession in generations. 
The speech broke little new policy ground, but in its populism introduced a less-retrained Obama to the next round of debate over the federal budget and the best way to ensure sustained economic growth.
bet on this if the republicans are allowed to repeat their drive to extinction of the American economical standing in the world again it will be no ones fault but those who vote for them. 
in light of 4 1/2 years of daily proof, they are only interested in taking back power not to do anything for the country or their voters but for the big business. those that would vote for them if you are not carrying a 7 plus digit bank account will see you round the way.
ask yourself where are the republican jobs promised in 2010 or just last week the only time job passes their lips now is to say Pres. doesn't know how to do his, but how would they know, they've never done their job to even know what it looks like.
"The countries that are passive in the face of a global economy will lose the competition for good jobs and high living standards," he continued. "That's why America has to make the investments necessary to promote long-term growth and shared prosperity."
just like science they resist and we fall to the bottom of the list of environmentally aware and pro active countries, our kids are getting dumbed down we are allowing our poor and elderly and kids no consideration as to their ability to survive. disgraceful SOB's