Monday, July 22, 2013

McDonald's Advice to Its Workers: Get a Second Job - And heating is a luxury in sample budget

most work at McDonalds because they can't elsewhere, so notoriety of low wage pay for on your feet 8 hr days is legendary now they biatch slap the employees telling them the know you get paid gnat crap but if you want to survive get another job in a market where millions are still unemployed, and waiting to take those who leave, wheres the love is Ronald dead?
Article PhotoNEWSER) – McDonald's has a new budgeting tool for its employees, but the advice on "Practical Money Skills for Life" is pretty laughable, critics are pointing out. The site, a partnership with Visa, is supposed to help these low-wage workers learn how to manage their money, ThinkProgress reports, but instead it illustrates just how hard—if not impossible—it is to get by on an average of $8.25 an hour. 
For example, the sample "budget journal" suggests workers have a second job, and even then budgets only $20 per month for health insurance (the average cost for an independent individual plan is $215 per month, and the company's own plan for full-time workers is $14 a week)—and exactly zero dollars for heating.
they might as well send camping gear to their stores and let them live their, hell they are creating dependents instead of the new workforce.
No specific budgeted amounts are given for food or clothing, though after paying the bills (including a $150 car payment and a $600 mortgage), $800 worth of monthly "spending money" is left over, so apparently the groceries (and car maintenance, and gasoline, and co-pays, and actual medical expenses, and any number of other things not allowed for on the budget) come out of that.
The website claims that "you can have almost anything you want as long as you plan ahead and save for it." But the truth is, "basically every facet of this budget is unachievable," writes Annie-Rose Strasser. The Consumerist's take: "The path to financial freedom, according to Visa and McDonald’s, involves turning off your heat, not buying groceries, not having children, never getting sick, and getting a second job."
do these people who have the audacity to tell those underwater they just don't manage their money well, kid screaming and hungry a happy meal a day and egg mcmuffin should carry you through won't create any bowel movement but at least you put something in their mouths.
it's easy to judge another life you never know or have known because just like those who deny racism they don't know but the audacity of arrogance emboldens them to tell you how to do what they never have, number 2 pencil to paper is not reality. it's another way that has not happened.