Friday, July 26, 2013

Lindsey Graham's Tea Party Opponents Are Emerging

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how can you put your fate in the hands of a party that is in constant civil war and neither side is really on your side?
Watch out, Lindsey Graham: the Tea Party says that you are next.
According to sources in South Carolina and within the Tea Party, at least two serious challenges to Graham are expected to emerge in the next few weeks. Dustin Stockton, a leading conservative activist and head of Western PAC, told The Daily Beast that he is headed to South Carolina next month to help build a ground game for the 2014 primary.
Knocking off Graham, said Stockton, who helped defeat establishment candidates in Alaska and Nevada in 2010, was this year’s top Tea Party priority.
“The Lindsey Graham wing of the party,” he said, stands for “saying one thing and doing another, creating backroom deals, getting elected, and not doing anything.”
we really need to get it together in the next two voting cycles or we will be subject to right wing domination which obviously involves depriving "we the people" of all our rights including breathing, with deregulation, and gerrymandered persons you did not vote for back in the house
Bright told The Daily Beast that he is looking to make an announcement in the coming weeks.
“My voting record in the state Senate is very similar to what Jim DeMint did in the U.S. Senate,” he said, referring to the hard-right former senator who resigned this year to lead the Heritage Foundation. “It is more of a match with conservative values in South Carolina. I just don’t think Graham is in touch with the people of South Carolina. He is more enamored of the national media than he is doing what South Carolinians would like to see him do.
DeMint is his idle or soething? ever notice how the always claim to know what the people want, except in 2008 and 2012 and 2014 and 2016 or any other time far as it goes they pay people to tell them how to talk to us, evidently those people were as big a fraud as the right wing they never took their advise instead it's full steam ahead business as usual.