Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lindsey Graham Can't Wait For War With Iran

well they are trying to break each others record for how many asinine statements can be made i a week.
Article PhotoSenator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) declared Tuesday that if nuclear negotiations with Iran didn’t soon make headway, he would introduce a resolution in Congress authorizing the use of force against Iran.
The startling threat was made at the annual gathering of Christians United For Israel(CUFI), taking place in Washington, D.C., this week. The right-wing group boasts over a million members devoted to all things Israel, with its website offering Israel-themed E-Cards and UN petitions, among other goodies. 
The group is headed by wingnut televangelist John Hagee, whose past pronouncements on current events have included such gems as the statement that Hurricane Katrina was divine punishment for New Orleans’s sins.
you can smell the singed flesh of republicans in the air, they are desperate and trying all the usual dirty tricks some re-embellished for effect, and some things they think are new well be the judge of that once they are exposed probably by them. 
they can't help themselves it's the audacity of arrogance that makes them think they can do it and warn you it's coming and we are left defenseless, 5 years ago maybe but theres a new sheriff in town, who has served you twice nationally and several times in internationally, by exposing your skulduggery to the world. 
what they call apologizing for America is in truth apologizing for them the republicans.
To a cheering crowd, Graham declared, “My goal is to avoid war, and the best way to avoid war is to let the Iranians know they're going to face one and lose.” Graham’s loose talk could have harmed delicate negotiations, but apparently back-home politics trump foreign affairs.
Graham, who is up for re- election in 2014, has become a bĂȘte noire among the right wing base, for such actions as voting for President Obama’s two Supreme Court nominees, as well as supporting immigration reform. These sins, among many others, have angered the far-right grassroots. Just this week, a group called Carolina Conservatives United began a campaign to oust Graham in the Senate primary next year in favor of a more conservative candidate. Right now, it doesn't appear that their efforts will be successful, as Graham has a healthy war chest and respectable poll numbers, but he cannot afford to ignore the danger of being primaried, which cost former Republican Senators Dick Lugar and Bob Bennett their seats.
from his own mouth he is telling Iran he'll support war, knowing the base is also tired of war although the cheering might not reveal that he tells them he's not for war just as a psych tactic, how stupid do you have to be to cheer for that?
voting to escalate aggression in Iran while American children starve and die from no health care, a host of things that will help the people and the country and put them back to work, but he's talking about war in the middle east again.  the money it would cost could put a dent in our social problems wide enough to put congress in and not see them.