Thursday, July 25, 2013

Here's Why the Republican Party's Minority Outreach Effort Won't Work

Article PhotoHe may as well set that money on fire. It would do just as much good for the GOP. One need look no further than the last week to understand exactly why non-whites do not see a home when they look at the Republican Party.
Following Obama’s decidedly understated and eloquent remarks on race in the White House briefing room, the conservative commentariat exploded. The Daily Caller blared, “Obama Goes Full Race-Baiter,” and National Review dubbed the remarks “The Obama Administration’s Race-Baiting Campaign.”
 The Washington Times ran a column under the headline “Obama throws begging blacks a race bone with Trayvon Martin.”
Conservatives took to Twitter and the blogosphere to claim that Obama was “our first racist-in-chief” and was “stoking a race war.” Radio host Mark Levin trashed Obama’s attempt at putting the George Zimmerman verdict in perspective with the claim that the president is always “ripping at the fabric of the nation” and was a “disgrace.” 
At City JournalHeather Mac Donald complained, “Obama has now put the presidential imprimatur on the crudest kind of racial victimology.”
need i go on, i mean this alone is an indictment of their guilt.  after all the reports of how offensive they have been toward the Pres. which i'm sure cost them mega votes they still have not learned these are the distasteful things coupled with the denial of rights and refusal of social programs that have been the staple of what Americanism was, they killed that one too.
denial of ones history is denial of that persons existence, if you can do that you can believe anything you choose to and alleviate yourself from any complicity to those exposed.
The carnival of contempt echoed the sentiment of Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), who in a radio interview admonished African-Americans upset over the killing of Trayvon Martin and the Zimmerman verdict to “get over it.”
Crystal Wright, who runs the website, wrote in The Washington Times: “How did the death of this black teen rise to the level of a national crisis? It happened because race hucksters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson decided it was a national story, and because Obama obliged them.”
I suppose one could ask why the life and death of the white woman Terri Schiavobecame a national crisis requiring the intervention of a (white) president. Or why did America obsess over the trial of Jodi Arias, who killed a white man? Or Scott Peterson, who had white victims? It’s incredible that one case has garnered national attention that involves the death of a black person and that this is a cause to start hurling accusations about how anyone who cares about it is a racist.
those who oppose are scouts they look out for the buzz items on their list, when they hear one in or out of context they pass it on they spin it and what was originally now is a right wing mislead.  it's true that when precious White girls or men presumed to be straight go missing or get shot or killed it's turned into a nationwide man/woman hunt.
Blacks get third of that attention and thats only if they are a celebrity of sorts not involving someone White, ordinary citizens as few words as possible, unless they are suspected or in some nafarious circumstance where it can be imlied as their fault.
we had a White girl disappear Chandra Levy that one went on for months with almost daily references.
there is so much on her story that i will just supply the link you can plan your months reading material now.