Friday, July 12, 2013

Farm bill passes narrowly in House, without food stamp funding

are you getting there yet people are seeing these persons for what they really are?
Article PhotoHouse Republicans narrowly passed a farm bill on Thursday that was stripped of hundreds of billions in funding for food stamps, abandoning four decades of precedent to gain the backing of conservative lawmakers.
The 216 to 208 vote was a victory for a Republican caucus that has struggled to pass the most basic of legislation, but it also set up weeks of acrimony and uncertainty as House and Senate leaders must reconcile two vastly different visions for providing subsidies to farmers and feeding the hungry.
how can you call denial of life sustenance a victory?  denying children and sick and elderly food but still not denying the rich their loopholes and low or no taxes.  farmers can grow enough food to feed rich so they can get subsidies, if they want to feed those in need sorry Charlie, it ain't that kinda party and no cake!
foodstamps1In the morning, Sen. Majority Leader Harry M. Reid announced that he planned to change long-standing Senate rules to push through presidential appointees who have been blocked by Republicans — a move so severe that it is known as the “nuclear option.” That led to a bitter, nearly two-hour exchange between the Nevada Democrat and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who at one point called Reid the “worst leader ever.”
has he read his own press lately?  he has a 4 1/2 year record of denying progressive anything and by default deny you of everything, need to remember the glass house rule or look like a fool.  why is there not as much noise in the street no matter what party affiliation the right wing has did it to all of us, the one immediate remedy we have id Nov. 4th 2014 remember it use it then celebrate it as a 2nd Independence Day.

those who vote that ticket are targeted too, the republicans don't know or don't give a damn that they are killing off their base via malnutrition, more Whites than others are the primary recipiants of food stamps, will this be the string bean that broke the spell on their base when your kid cries from hunger and that food stamp card was the answer think again, Nov. 4th 2014 means justas uch you you as it does to progressives. recognize