Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Civil rights charges against Zimmerman would be difficult, Justice officials say

Article PhotoCurrent and former Justice Department officials said Monday that bringing civil rights charges against George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black 17-year-old in Florida, would be extremely difficult and may not be possible.
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. vowed to continue a federal investigation of the matter, but other officials said in interviews that the government may not be able to charge Zimmerman with a federal hate crime because it’s not clear that he killed Martin because of his race.
we have no more cheeks to turn, no more room for knives in the back, no more "oh well the jury spoke",
this sets the ultimate get away card to those who if this does happen will be more emboldened because they have another defense, "i have a friend who's Black he fixes my car at jiffy lube"
The weakness of the evidence compounds the political problems facing President Obama and Holder, who are under mounting pressure from many liberal and African American groups to bring a federal case against Zimmerman after a Florida jury acquitted him Saturday of second-degree murder and manslaughter.
Obama has responded cautiously to the national uproar, making no public comments other than a carefully worded statement Sunday.
just like voter blocking we seem to be doing nothing to right this wrong while he high fives his buddy and gets a good kill from the police.
if they don't federalize him i can only hope he knows there are cross hairs on his back, front top and bottom and i hope it eats him alive, he will be subjected to 24-7 fear if he claimed he had it and killed because of it, who's he going to kill when the reality of when you least expect it, expect it kicks in?
as for Pres. he really has no horse in this race but betcha the republicans will assign him one