Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Your Son's Hate Speech Is Bad But Pretend Suicide Is Worse: What Kind Of Parent Are You Senator Flake?

Article PhotoArizona Senator Jeff Flake has some ‘splainin’ to do. Oh, sure he has apologized for the things his son wrote and said but he hasn’t addressed why his boy would use racist and intolerant terms. Where did he learn them? You know that song from South Pacific, “You’ve Got To Be Taught?” That song is 100% correct – kids are taught to hate and fear. So, Sen. Flake, who drummed those words into your son’s dear little ear when he was very young and impressionable?
Tanner Flake plays an iPhone game called “Fun Run” and you won’t believe what his user ID is: “N1ggerkiller.” As Buzzfeed‘s John Stanton discovered, Tanner has absolutely no filter when it comes to social media, sprinkling words like “@!$%#,” “Jew” and “faggot” throughout his writings. Of course, he has locked his Twitter feed now, but before he did that, Stanton captured some screen shots and they are ugly. Let’s have a look at some of Tanner’s Tweets (all the following images came from Buzzfeed):
"OPP'S", did that rotten apple fall or is it still hanging on to the tree?  
His comments on You Tube are no better, filled with “@!$%#” and “faggot,” calling Mexicans “the scum of the earth” and even bragging that his dad is a Congressman. I don’t think that apology is going to be enough, Sen. Flake.
doesn't sound like most families more like the republican "VALUES" that don't need changing, because their vocabulary doesn't extend pass the centuries old buzz words.
Sen. Flake, one of the most unpopular in the country (mostly because of his background check hypocrisy) did apologize for the Tweets last Wednesday:
“I’m very disappointed in my teenage son’s words, and I sincerely apologize for the insensitivity,” Flake told BuzzFeed in a statement. “This language is unacceptable, anywhere. Needless to say, I’ve already spoken with him about this, he has apologized, and I apologize as well.”
Hopefully, Sen. Flake will also speak to his son about the video that he made in which he pretends to commit suicide. With a real gun. Warning – this video is very upsetting. I’m still sick to my stomach from watching it.
I know, go ahead and take a breather after that. What kind of parent lets a kid play with a real gun? How does he even have access to it? And what kind of kid would DO something like that, filming it and then uploading it?
What we are seeing from Tanner Flake is learned behavior. He had to have heard those words used in his home to have picked up their use so easily and then repeat them so casually.
He had to become inured to what those words can do. It had to be modeled that anyone not like him is deserving of his derision, that they don’t have feelings, that they aren’t human. The speech is bad enough but after seeing that video, I worry about that boy’s mental health.
And the fact that he can access a gun so easily is scary. I don’t want to see something down the road about this boy doing that for real. Senator Flake, you have some serious parenting to do!
how long before NRA uses this fora PSA claiming this is what the prigressive "war on guns" is driving gun owner kids to?