Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Snowden effect: Fear in corporate America

looks like dude might be digging all the way to America from China, he is messing with the money breaking a cardinal rule.
Article PhotoEdward Snowden isn’t just a nightmare for the National Security Agency.
He also epitomizes a little-mentioned but intense ongoing fear of corporate America — that any lone renegade among millions of trustworthy employees could abuse access to private customer data for idealistic or villainous purposes.
“At our company, nobody has any idea exactly who has what access,” an information technology specialist for a major bank told POLITICO. “There are safeguards, but by the time anyone knows what someone’s done, the violator could be off to Hong Kong with Brad Pitt’s credit card statements and sell them to TMZ. It’s easier to imagine it than it is to fully prevent it.”
 There’s the fired hospital staffers who dipped into medical records of the “Octomom” and Farrah Fawcett; the State Department employees who browsed the passport files of then-presidential candidates John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama; and the Canadian bank clerk who checked out the account of her husband’s ex-wife.
All had access to sensitive information on their jobs as a matter of routine — and they breached that trust.
Hong Kong is the locale of self-exile chosen by Snowden, who stepped forward as the person who leaked to the media a trove of documents detailing NSA’s classified high-tech surveillance programs. Snowden said he did it to expose government overreach and to prompt a national discussion about privacy.
where he screwed up is heroes are spontaneous not manufactured, and exposing more than he is trying to say he intended falls under "ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law".
he's toast. burnt toast