Monday, June 17, 2013

Texas Members May Face Remap Redux

When the Supreme Court takes on a key part of a voting rights law later this month, Texas Democrats will be watching more closely than anyone on Capitol Hill.
The high court’s ruling could affect whether, and how, the congressional boundaries in the state will be revised — yet again.
In the coming days, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Republicans in the state Legislature are set to pass into law the interim map used last cycle. In 2012, a federal court in San Antonio ordered officials to use this interim map because the one that state lawmakers originally drew failed to pass muster with federal officials.
But in the next few weeks, the Supreme Court may decide whether that kind of approval is even necessary. The justices are expected to rule on Section 5 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act — a provision that forces certain states with a history of discrimination, including Texas, to seek federal approval for any changes to its voting laws, including the maps.
The case mean Texas Democrats face uncertainty again over their district boundaries
this decision will IMO tell us where the country is not where "we the people" are.  
given over half showed their remorse over right wing control you would think that many people can't be wrong, their side is not lying and disenfranchising, blocking votes and taking away voters rights i the work place as well as the ballot box, no brainer for at least 4 of them.
“There are certain things in life you can’t control, and one of them is what the Supreme Court is going to do,” said former Rep. Martin Frost, a Texas Democrat and redistricting expert. “You just have to wait and see.”
The most contentious parts of the Texas map are places that have experienced explosive minority growth over the past decade. They include Rep. Lloyd Doggett’s 35th District south of Austin, freshman Rep. Pete Gallego’s 23rd District in west Texas and freshman Rep. Marc Veasey’s 33rd District in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
i can't believe that whatever law allows them to gerrymander overrides the right of an American citizen to vote in political elections, somebody needs to dig a little deeper and find that loophole override.