Monday, June 10, 2013

Right-Wing Preacher: Star Trek Movie Promotes Bestiality

Article PhotoOur friends over at Right Wing Watch found this nugget on Generations Radio Friday night. A pastor by the name of Kevin Swanson (no, “Family Guy” fans, not that Kevin Swanson) was talking with his co-host, Dave Buehner, about parents censoring their children’s entertainment. 
Now, right there, they lose me. I don’t believe in censorship, not even for kids. What I do believe is that parents should be aware of whether something is age appropriate and then be prepared to explain and discuss whether or not the children should watch/play/read the entertainment in question. Then again, I don’t program my family’s media by scripture.
During their talk, the subject of the new Star Trek film came up. Star Trek: Into Darkness opened 3 weeks ago to acclaim from critics and fans alike. 
I saw it last weekend and enjoyed it even more than the first Trek film J.J. Abrams did. In an early scene (no spoilers, don’t worry), Kirk is called away from his bed where 2 alien cuties are keeping him company. 
It was a fun nod to the original series, wherein Kirk was a bit of a womanizer, not being picky about race. But, of course, Swanson was outraged:
“Do I really want to take my kids to watch a movie that implicates the good guy in the film as mating with the wrong species but not just one, but two?”
is he experiencing a jealousy trip? "IT'S ONLY A MOVIE", IMO these holier than thou's run out of the crap the spew and set about looking for a cause they can make a few sermons out of, enrage the congregation with the hypocrisy of something that would probably never happen in their lifetime or maybe ever, but it's a good way to start off the Sunday service discriminating against non existent scene from a sci-fi movie circa thousands of years in the future, keep the hate alive!
Beuhner agreed and then went on to …well, just read it:
“Well you know I could understand that Christians would get upset if it was a male of a different species. No actually, I’m not sure that the bestiality and the homosexuality are really all that different.”
Oh for Pete’s sake! There’s that stupid conflating of homosexuality and bestiality again. It’s Rick Santorum and “marrying your dog” all over again. What is it with right-wingers and animal sex? What kind of sick mind goes there?
Swanson and Beuhner also had some things to say about a show on the Hub network called Shezow. In case you are unfamiliar with this (I was, but my daughter knew about it), it is about a 12-year-old boy who becomes a female superhero. You read that correctly: he says “You go, girl” and turns into a crime-fighting girl. Well, naturally, they found this to be singularly horrifying. Swanson, however, found something in the show that only a Christian who thinks they are being victimized would see:
“The problem is he tries to overcome evil, but Dave, evil as it turns out as defined by scripture is homosexuality and this transgender thing, so that would be evil. So if he was fighting the evil he would have to fight that. But apparently he’s probably fighting Christians and trying to be sure that they’re burned at the stake or something.”
do these guys finish their fear shows close the mike and high five at the gullible ones they just sold that crap to, while on the way to the bank?  they are getting rich off those who really need direction and it doesn't matter where it comes from as long as there is some bigotry, hate and homosexuality.  Santorum well he didn't last to long did he guess that's a silver lining in this hate fest.