Monday, June 10, 2013

Republican IRS agent says Cincinnati began 'Tea Party' inquiries

(Reuters) - A U.S. Internal Revenue Service manager, who described himself as a conservative Republican, told congressional investigators that he and a local colleague decided to give conservative groups the extra scrutiny that has prompted weeks of political controversy.
In an official interview transcript released on Sunday by Democratic Representative Elijah Cummings, the manager said he and an underling set aside "Tea Party" and "patriot" groups that had applied for tax-exempt status because the organizations appeared to pose a new precedent that could affect future IRS filings.

Cummings, top Democrat on the House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Committee conducting the probe, told CNN's "State of the Union" program that the manager's comments provided evidence that politics was not behind IRS actions that have fueled a month-long furor in Washington.
"He is a conservative Republican working for the IRS. I think this interview and these statements go a long way toward showing that the White House was not involved in this," Cummings told CNN's "State of the Union" program.
"Based upon everything I've seen, the case is solved. And if it were me, I would wrap this case up and move on," he added.
 so does this end the inquisition of Issa does he wipe the egg off his face and apologize for his half cocked search for corroboration to his allegations or does he continue to waste the peoples money and dismiss this new evidence that directly rebukes his assertions?  well you guessed it "NO".

Issa has released his own excerpts of interviews with IRS employees the committee is conducting jointly, which the Republican says suggests the added attention given to Tea Party groups originated from Washington, D.C. and had political motivations.
Issa vowed to press ahead with the investigation and said the IRS manager's comments "did not provide anything enlightening or contradict other witness accounts."
obsession is a sickness that drives a fevered mind in directions that are no longer on the map, he needs to be pulled in and relieved of his position given he has yet to prove any of his accusations of anybody since he first showed up. liabilities are suppose to be removed especially those that are bleeding our budget.