Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rep. Cummings claims evidence IRS scandal didn't originate in D.C.

Article PhotoThe top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is calling attention to evidence that seemingly contradicts the claims from congressional Republicans that the IRS targeting of conservative groups originated in Washington, D.C.
 In a letter to committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., highlights the testimony of an IRS manager in Cincinnati who oversaw the screening process for tax-exempt groups. In his testimony, the IRS manager, who identifies himself as a "conservative Republican," told committee staff members that he had no reason to believe the White House was involved in the targeting scandal, and that he did not believe the targeting was motivated by a political bias against conservatives.
 In his letter, Cummings told Issa that his "extreme accusations" of Washington's involvement in the IRS scandal were "unsubstantiated," and that he had "damaged" the credibility of the oversight committee.
 "Your approach in all of these cases has been to accuse first, and then go in search of evidence to back up your claims," Cummings wrote. "Rather than apologizing or correcting the record when the evidence does not fit your narrative, you have selectively leaked excerpts of interview transcripts, documents, and other information, and you have withheld evidence that directly contradicts your claims, is exculpatory, or provides a more complete and fair understanding of the facts."
On Thursday, committee staff conducted an interview with the IRS manager and asked him, "Do you have any reason to believe that anyone in the White House was involved in the decision to screen tea party cases?"
"I have no reason to believe that," the manager replied.
so what's the next move call him a paid liar and the beat goes on?  we need to demand to know what and how much is being spent by this guy that never gets confirmation of his questionable accusations.
we are left to believe this will go on till 2016 and beyond if we win again after all they have been 4 1/2 years and 37 times at the plate on ObamaCares, and no light at the end of that tunnel so why would the party who is so anal retentive they can only pursue one homemade scandal at a time change the play they think they are totally right so just accuse using different words which might present a problem since they only know two words no and Obama.
 He said he was not aware of any political bias against conservatives among employees in the Cincinnati IRS office, and that he also was not aware of any political motivations behind the centralizing and screening of applications for tax-exempt status from conservative tea party organizations.
 When asked more specifically whether he believed the targeting was undertaken to punish the President's political enemies, he responded, "I do not believe the screening of these cases had anything to do other than consistency and identifying issues that needed to have further development."
asking a answer to a question you know has no foundation will get you the right answer but if you are in search of a answer of your own thinking you will never hear what you want, and therein lies the total ineptness of the Issa witch hunts they are looking for answers to questions born of their imagination or desire to paint the Pres. as complicit to their invented lie. listen and recognize