Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mitch McConnell: Tea Party Leader


a marriage made in hell?
Article Photo“I spoke to his state director, and I said, ‘Hey, I heard you guys wanted to build a bridge to the tea party. If he’s really interested in doing that, I’m here and I’m thinking about getting into the congressional race,” Massie recalled.
As the race heated up, Massie finally got a call from McConnell.
“He said, ‘I’m staying 10,000 miles away from your race.’”
A lot has changed since then.
McConnell is now running for re-election in the bluegrass state and has been working diligently to fend off a primary challenger. 
That means he’s spent a lot more time courting the tea party and often siding with the right flank of his conference in the Senate. McConnell hired Jesse Benton, who ran Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s successful 2010 Senate bid, to work as his campaign manager. 
As recently as Thursday, the tea party quartet of Sens. Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Paul could be seen entering McConnell’s office for a meeting. The group, with the support of McConnell, has been objecting to a budget conference over the near weekly grumblings of Senators like John McCain and Susan Collins.
And Massie says he speaks to McConnell now about once a week, the Minority leader has supported Massie on “just about everything,” and last week McConnell and a local tea party leader both spoke at a Lincoln Day dinner in Massie’s home district.
the usual suspects gather and the cauldron boils, what are the dreaming up to unleash on us now?
“There’s a sense of humility that seems to be lost on some members in the Senate where they are either tone deaf or just don’t care,” Massie said. “You can’t say that about McConnell. He is definitely in touch with his constituents in Kentucky right now.
“This is a guy who can give the same speech in the same suit in the same accent here that he does in Louisville. Not everyone can do that. But he can and does,” said McConnell spokesman Don Stewart.
and he's bragging about it?
If McConnell’s tea party drift is bothering the more establishment element of his conference, they aren’t saying so publicly. McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham have been openly critical of Paul and Cruz, but when it came to McConnell, they held their fire.
the traditional right is giving up and submitting to T-P rule so this really makes 2014 important, they will retry the same voter blocking as before maybe some old twist they can call new, but we have the vote, if we use it wisely we will beat them again and T-P rule which includes tearing down the country and most important deregulation. recognize