Sunday, June 16, 2013

Irrefutable Proof That The GOP Doesn’t Care About Helping The American People

In addition to the constant trashing of Obama’s actual record with lies and distortions, I’m also sick to death of claims that Democrats “had no spines” and couldn’t pass anything. 
Article PhotoRepublicans held Congress from 1994-2006 and rigged the filibuster rules. If you’ll remember, they pretended to try to kill the filibuster, and in the process, ended up simplifying the rules, making it easier for a single senator to hold up a bill anonymously, and require 60 votes for cloture to release that hold.
Put simply, the SOLUTION to the problem in 2010 would have been to keep the House, and reduce the number of Republicans in the Senate. Instead, we had the Right Wing crying “Democrats can’t get anything done!” and the Left Wing crying, “Democrats can’t get anything done!” THAT is why Democrats lost so badly last year; instead of offering up an alternate viewpoint, we basically echoed theirs. 
That’s what drove turnout down, and gave the GOP one of the biggest wins in their history.
we have been our second worse enemy, we don't speak fast enough or loud enough and definitely not enough. i believe we let them control the narrative of their lies without rebuttal costly, however ha we done the above things 2012 would not have made a difference for the house, gerrymandering denied us a honest and fair vote or should i say result of our vote given we got million plus more votes, 
BTW where are those whose votes got shanghai'd?
Read these and tell me Democrats weren’t trying really hard to make things better. Again; these are bills that were PASSED by the Democratic House, and BLOCKED by 40-41 solid votes in the Senate.  Compare these to the complete @!$%# the current Republican-led House is producing, and then tell us again how there’s no difference between the two parties.
We really have to stop self-destructing. Democrats ARE much better than Republicans, the previous Democratic House, led by Nancy Pelosi, DID try like hell to make this country better.
Again; this is a partial list?
HR 12 – Paycheck Fairness Act – While the Lily Ledbetter Act was a good start, this bill would have mandated pay fairness and prohibited pay discrimination based on sex. In other words, while Lily’s Bill made it easier for women to sue, this would have created fair workplace system with regard to pay. In other words, Republicans voted in favor of paying women less money for the same job.
H.R. 20 — Melanie Blocker Stokes Mom’s Opportunity to Access Health, Education, Research, and Support for Postpartum Depression Act – This bill would have provided for research into women’s health issues, specifically regarding postpartum health. That kind of reinforces the overall impression Republicans give, that they care a whole lot about the fetus, but couldn’t care less once the baby is born, and they don’t care about women at all.
just a couple to wet your whistle but the list does go on and on as the republican party never wavering from their "VALUES" are these the values you want your kids to have and yourself to accept?
Rev. Al, " lot's of things were acceptable until we stopped accepting them", 2014 recognize