Monday, June 17, 2013

Immigration bill could decide 2016, senator says

on whether they support — or sabotage — the im
migration overhaul being debated in the Senate, two lawmakers who helped write the proposal warn.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on Sunday told conservatives who are trying to block the measure that they will doom the party and all but guarantee a Democrat will remain in the White House after 2016’s election. Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., went a step further and predicted “there’ll never be a road to the White House for the Republican Party” if immigration overhaul fails to pass.
The Senate is moving forward with an overhaul and appears to be on track to have a vote from the full Senate by July 4. A timeline for a House proposal is less certain, although leaders say they are working on plans that more closely follow conservatives’ wish list.
The Senate last week overcame a procedural hurdle in moving forward on the first immigration overhaul in a generation. Lawmakers from both parties voted to begin formal debate on a proposal that would give an estimated 11 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally a long and difficult path to citizenship.
Hispanic and voters who support them don't be fooled it they change that proverbial horse in the middle of their stream of hate and bigotry, it will not be sincere just a stepping stone to get votes they don't deserve, like every time before they lie their way in ten get in and start on everything that supports progressive voters, unions, voter ID's, gerrymandering over a million Americans out of their vote that was majority denied by the republican redistricting.
you guys that were believing that jobs our focus is jobs still today but you never hear it on the news just what they are blocking. Fox news lies to you daily because they have a job, let your vote make sense not more poverty.
The Senate legislation also creates a low-skilled guest-worker program, expands the number of visas available for high-tech workers and de-emphasizes family ties in the system for legal immigration that has been in place for decades. It also sets border security goals that the government must meet before immigrants living in the U.S. illegally are granted any change in status.
Meanwhile, one the proposal’s authors, who is considering a White House campaign, refused again to pledge support for the measure without changes conservatives have demanded.
“I think 95, 96 percent of the bill is in perfect shape and ready to go. But there are elements that need to be improved,” said Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.
Republicans are demanding tougher border security measures and stricter standards for who qualifies for government programs such as Social Security and health care.
Rubio is trying to balance concerns from his party’s conservative flank, which has great sway in picking a nominee, with the political attempt to win over Hispanic and Asian-American voters who overwhelmingly favored President Barack Obama’s re-election in 2012. Further complicating Rubio’s presidential aspirations, the Republican-led House hews toward tea partyers.
why does it take so long, one side really has no desire to allow millions of potential progressive voters into the electorate,

from my daughter Donnies Clark, "an unforgiving servant is a self supporting fool", yeah that's my Baby Girl keepin' it real
sounds like right wing DNA sequence.