Thursday, June 13, 2013

House Passes Bill That Could Lead to Another Financial Crash—But Reformers Claim Victory

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ok was this not at the apex of or downfall wall street doing as they pleased and didn't Pres. get regulations in there to prevent this from happening again? so here we go again the right wing and it deregulated "screw as many as you can guys it's ok"
On Wednesday evening, the House passed a bipartisan bill that would allow US banks to avoid new financial regulations by operating overseas. But financial reformers are seizing on a silver lining: most Democrats voted against the bill—something one financial reformer calls a "miracle"—signaling a tougher-than-expected road ahead for similar efforts to scale back new rules on banks that crashed the economy a few years ago, and making the bill's passage in the Democratic-controlled Senate less likely.
"In our defeatist, Eeyore sort of way, we won today," says Bart Naylor, a financial policy advocate at the consumer group Public Citizen.
"I'm pretty psyched about [the vote]," says Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, a group of national and state organizations that advocate for Main Street-friendly financial rules. "A majority of Democrats voted against a pro-Wall Street bill… even though it was co-sponsored by Democrats… that was heavily lobbied by Wall Street and everyone had predicted would win by a landslide."
when they say heavily lobbied thats republican speak for "Beohner will be passing out the checks", we have gone through hell because of this that the republicans started now they are trying to start it again while not even in the WH.  they sure have a weird way of reaching out to all voters, 
The House financial services committee passed the bill a few weeks ago, with just 11 Democrats and no Republicans on the 61-member committee voting against it. But Wall Street reformers and their allies in Congress, including Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), rallied the troops, and changed some minds. On Wednesday, 122 out of 195 Democratsvoted against the bill, while only 2 Republicans voted against. It passed 301 to 124.
seems they are trying to undo the things Pres. got through without their help and sack the country and by default "we the people", 2014 grows more and more important by the hour, we still only have to be concerned about on day Nov. 4th 2014, mark your calendar, write it on the wall, it's judgement day.