Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dems release their own IRS transcripts


Leaders on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are escalating the battle over the investigation into the IRS tea party targeting scandal.
Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the panel’s top Democrat, released hundreds of pages of transcripts today of an interview the committee conducted with a self-described “conservative Republican” IRS nonprofit screening manager in Cincinnati who says one of his employees was the first to single out a tea party group applying for a tax exemption.    And he said he agreed with the decision.
Issa arrogantly decided not to release papers he was given an ultimatum by Mr. Cummings he dismissed and now,
“In this particular case, it was apparent that there was not enough information that was allowing [redacted name] to make … the proper determination,” he said. “I told him at that point in time I agreed with this thinking, and to give me the particulars of the case, and that I would elevate that issue to my area manager.”
is this why Issa refused to give of contrary to his witch hunt evidence directly rebuking his assertion that Pres. was the catalyst.
“I am deeply disappointed that ranking member Cummings has decided to broadly disseminate and post online a 205-page transcript that will serve as a roadmap for IRS officials to navigate investigative interviews with Congress,” Issa said in a statement. “After unsuccessfully trying to convince the American people that IRS officials in Washington did not play a role in inappropriate scrutiny of tea party groups and declaring on national television that the case of IRS targeting was ‘solved’ and Congress should ‘move on,’ this looks like flailing.”
why is he feigning dissappointment he was warned if he didn't Mr. cummings would.
Cummings has accused Issa of cherry picking loaded details gleaned from the committee’s investigation to back up the GOP argument that the IRS targeting practice was orchestrated from Washington. Issa released selected transcripts as recently as this weekend to back up that contention.
the phony Issa has revealed himself to the pint where his own are turning on him, guess that's what you get when you appoint a shady criminal past person to sniff out wrong doing.
so who's zoomin' who?